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Jack Kerouac | Biography & Facts | Britannica
- Jack Kerouac (born March 12, 1922, Lowell, Massachusetts, U.S.—died October 21, 1969, St. Petersburg, Florida) American novelist, poet, and leader of the Beat movement whose most famous book, On the Road (1957), had broad cultural influence before it was recognized for its literary merits. On the Road captured the spirit of its time as no other wor...
- Published: Mar 21, 1999
Jack Kerouac - Quotes, Books & Poems - Biography
Apr 2, 2014 · Jack Kerouac was an American writer best known for the novel 'On the Road,' which became an American classic, pioneering the Beat Generation in the 1950s.
Jack Kerouac | The Poetry Foundation
He became famous as Jack Kerouac, author of On the Road (1957), the novel that is considered to be a quintessential statement of the 1950s literary movement known as the Beat …
ABOUT - Jack Kerouac
Jack Kerouac was an American novelist, writer, poet, and artist born on March 12, 1922, in Lowell, Massachusetts to French Canadian parents, Léo-Alcide Kéroack (1889–1946) and Gabrielle-Ange Lévesque (1895–1973).
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Jack Kerouac - Beat Generation, Novels, Poetry
Mar 8, 2025 · Professor in Humanities and Sciences, School of Visual Arts, New York City. Author of Kerouac's Spontaneous Poetics and compiler of Kerouac's Book of Haikus; director of Paul Bowles:...
About Jack Kerouac - Academy of …
Learn about the life and work of Jack Kerouac, a French-Canadian American poet and novelist who coined the term "Beat Generation" and wrote On the Road. Explore his poems, …
Jack Kerouac - Author, Age, Married and Children, Beat Generation
Jan 31, 2025 · Jack Kerouac was an influential American novelist and a key figure of the Beat Generation, best known for his groundbreaking work On the Road, published in 1957.
Jack Kerouac | bio
Learn about the life and works of Jack Kerouac, the most famous native son of Lowell, Massachusetts and the coiner of the term "Beat Generation." Explore his novels, poems, …
Jack Kerouac
Aug 13, 2015 · JACK KEROUAC: SELF-PORTRAIT || the ultimate collection of previously unpublished writings
Jack Kerouac | American Novelist and Poet
Links to projects, talks, and essays about Kerouac’s post-war contexts, sponsored by the Kerouac Center. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Big Sur (novel) - Wikipedia
Big Sur is a 1962 novel by Jack Kerouac, written in the fall of 1961 over a ten-day period, with Kerouac typewriting onto a teletype roll. [1] It recounts the events surrounding Kerouac's (here known by the name of his fictional alter-ego Jack …
Jack Kerouac - bio and links - beatmuseum.org
Mar 12, 2012 · Jack Kerouac. Born: March 12, 1922 Place of Birth: Lowell, Massachusetts Died: October 21, 1969 Place of Death: St. Petersburg, Florida
Jack Kerouac - U.S. National Park Service
Jack Kerouac wrote novels and poetry based on his life experiences in Lowell, New York City, and traveling about the United States. His initial influences were the American realist writers of the …
Jack Kerouac - IMDb
Jack Kerouac. Writer: On the Road. Jack Kerouac was born into a French-Canadian family and spoke French before he learned English. His father was a printer and a local businessman. His …
Jack Kerouac - Encyclopedia.com
May 29, 2018 · Learn about the life and work of Jack Kerouac, the author of On the Road and the leader of the Beat Generation. Explore his influences, achievements, struggles, and legacy in …
Jack Kerouac Biography - Facts, Childhood, Family Life
Jack Kerouac was a novelist who had broken all literary conventions and traditions. He was popularly known literary iconoclast and is placed beside literary stalwarts like William S. …
Jack Kerouac Biography - life, family, childhood, school, young, …
J ack Kerouac, an American writer, is best known for On the Road, (1957) which describes his travels into the American West. He is known as the father of the Beat Generation, younger …
Jack Kerouac - Poetry, Buddhism, Beat Generation | Britannica
Mar 8, 2025 · Professor in Humanities and Sciences, School of Visual Arts, New York City. Author of Kerouac's Spontaneous Poetics and compiler of Kerouac's Book of Haikus; director of Paul …
Icons: Back-to-back events to celebrate Jack Kerouac and …
2 days ago · This is Jack Kerouac, Northport’s six-year resident and seminal literary figure. Kerouac was born in the mill town of Lowell, Massachusetts and raised in a French-speaking …
Jack Kerouac | American Literature in the World
Jul 23, 2014 · Jack Kerouac was an American novelist and poet. He was born in 1922 in Lowell, Massachusetts to a Catholic French-Canadian family. French was his first language, and his …
Jack Kerouac summary | Britannica
Jack Kerouac, orig. Jean-Louis Lebris de Kerouac, (born March 12, 1922, Lowell, Mass., U.S.—died Oct. 21, 1969, St. Petersburg, Fla.), U.S. poet and novelist.
Джек Керуак — Вікіпедія
|Ukrcenter= |Примітки= Джек Керуак (англ. Jack Kerouac, справжнє ім'я Жан-Луї Лебрі де Керуак, 12 березня 1922, Ловелл, Массачусетс — 21 жовтня 1969, Сент-Пітерсберг, …